IBM (Software):

IBM Software has 10 Software brands as follows:

Application Integration Middleware (AIM) WebSphere Software is for SOA environments that enables dynamic, interconnected business processes and delivers highly effective application infrastructures for all business situations.

Business Analytics Software – Faster, Easier, Smarter Analytics
IBM’s next-generation business analytic products help organizations of all sizes make sense of information in the context of their business. You can uncover insights more quickly and more easily from all types of data—even big data—and on multiple platforms and devices. And, with self and built-in expertise and intelligence, you have the freedom and confidence to make smarter decisions that better address your business imperatives. If cost and deployment are a concern, IBM offers software as a options for business analytics.
It uniquely enables your organization to apply analytics to decision-making, anytime, anywhere. You can:

  • Tap into all types of information.
  • Empower people in all roles to explore and interact with information and deliver insights to others.
  • Optimize all types of decisions – whether they’re made by individuals or are embedded in automated systems — using insights based on analytics.
  • Provide insights from all perspectives and time horizons – from historic reporting to real-time analysis to predictive modeling.
  • Improve business outcomes and manage risk, now and in the future.

Cloud Infrastructure Software products tackle challenges with real-time dashboards, asset security, and integrated processes that includes the delivery of revenue generating and growth initiatives to help clients optimize the value of business infrastructures and technology through improved visibility, control and automation across end-to-end business operations.
Cloud & Smarter Infrastructure products, including Tivoli Software, as well as SmartCloud, Maximo, Netcool, and TRIRIGA management software, enable organizations of all sizes and industries to run smarter, more efficiently and with greater agility by providing integrated delivery and management products, which includes capabilities for Cloud Computing, Enterprise Mobility and Intelligent Assets & Facilities, organizations of all sizes —from transportation to healthcare, energy, telecommunications and beyond — can run smarter, more efficiently and with greater agility.

Enterprise Content Management (ECM) products deliver content in context to fully harness its potential. These industry specific products can capture, activate, share, analyze and govern unstructured date to lower costs and risk while improving efficiency. As the volume of content continues to rise, organizations struggle to use it effectively. Seventy-three percent of CEOs are making significant investments in their organizations’ ability to draw meaningful customer insights from available date. IBM Enterprise content management provides a way to discover the content, recognize its value, then act on it for better business insight and outcomes.

IBM Collaboration Product (formerly Lotus software,) delivers business collaboration software and products. Empower people inside and outside your organization to connect, collaborate, and innovate. Create a smarter workforce. Deliver exceptional customer experiences. Transform your core business processes to become more competitive and drive real business results.

IBM Industry Products comprises B2B Integration, Commerce, Enterprise Marketing Management and Smarter Cities.

Commerce products from IBM provide a unified approach to managing evolving digital and physical channels. They can:

  • Enhance the customer shopping experience in the age of the empowered customer for seamless, positive sales experiences.
  • Manage evolving channels and interaction points across web and e-commerce, mobile and m-commerce, social or physical channels.
  • Build smarter commerce and supply chains that are more efficient, demand-driven and transparent.
  • Reduce complexity by synchronizing procurement, marketing, selling processes based on customer needs.

IBM® Sterling B2B Integration automates business processes shared with trading partners. The goal is automation of the complete “buy-sell-ship-pay” process that involves a range of documents and business processes, which include not just the buyer or seller of the goods, but also banks and third party logistics companies. The product automates these processes and provides visibility into data and processes shared with external entities.

IBM® WebSphere® Commerce provides an e-commerce platform that can deliver seamless and consistent omni-channel shopping experiences, including mobile, social and in-store. WebSphere Commerce helps engage your customers with immersive brand experiences through contextually relevant content, marketing and promotions, while extending your brand across customer touch points.

With enterprise marketing management products from IBM, you can transform all aspects of marketing to engage customers in highly relevant, interactive dialogues across digital, social, mobile and traditional marketing channels. IBM enterprise marketing management (EMM) products provide you with the ability to:

  • Optimize cross-channel campaign efforts and engage buyers in highly relevant, interactive dialogues across digital, social, mobile and traditional marketing channels.
  • Optimize your digital marketing efforts and turn site, social and mobile visitors into repeat customers and loyal advocates.
  • Use sophisticated analytics to improve relevancy and responsiveness to individual prospects regardless of media or channel.
  • Discover and react in real time to how consumers are interacting with your brand.
  • Improve decision making and optimize marketing performance and productivity.

Cities everywhere are reinventing themselves. They are re-imagining essential systems, infrastructure and delivery to promote growth, sustainability and enhanced quality of life. Cities are better integrating across functions, capitalizing on new insights, creating system-wide efficiencies and collaborating in new ways to turn challenges into opportunities while building the strong, differentiating identities that attract new citizens and businesses. Combining world-class business, industry and technology expertise, IBM provides the integrated products that help visionary leaders achieve their objectives. Drawing on thousands of client engagements and proven strength across the breadth of city operations, only IBM offers the experience that today’s challenges demand.

Information Management Software deliver trusted information throughout your information supply chain and help you analyze your information to gain insights, identify breakdowns, and make better decisions that will optimize your business.

Rational Software is a pioneer, practice leader and world-class platform provider in software and systems development, with more than 30 years of development expertise. Whether your team needs to improve the profitability of a software intensive product, or improve your productivity and reduce overhead costs, the tools and know-how from IBM Rational can help you succeed.

Security Systems – Because security is now a board room discussion, We’re in a perfect security storm. Hackers are more sophisticated, your data is increasingly accessed anytime and anywhere and often resides in the cloud. Fewer access points are corporately-controlled and there is a growing digital data explosion while the compliance demands on staff and systems escalate.
These trends mean corporate security can no longer be an afterthought where a secure perimeter is good enough. Instead, security intelligence preventing, detecting and addressing system breaches anywhere must start in the boardroom and become part of your organization’s fabric. It is now imperative to be woven into your everyday business operations.
IBM Security products are built on a framework that spans hardware, software. These capabilities comprise a comprehensive and robust set of tools and best practices designed to help address:

  • Intelligence: Through a common and intuitive view that combines deep analytics with real-time security intelligence.
  • Integration: Through unifying existing tools and infrastructures with new forms of defense in order to reduce complexity and lower the cost of maintaining a strong security posture.
  • Expertise: Through a more proactive and trusted source of truth in order to stay ahead of emerging threats and risks.
  • IBM’s approach enables a more holistic, comprehensive perspective and can enhance your security maturity.

Watson Analytics

  • Get better Data: IBM Watson Analytics helps you find and improve data sets with the touch of a button.You can get to work quickly instead of spending precious time cleaning up and preparing your data.
  • Understand your business: Watson Analytics brings an engaging analytics experience in conversational terms you can understand. Whether you have a question to answer, an assumption to test or you are not sure what you want, Watson Analytics has you covered.
  • Tell A Story: Watson Analytics shows you the most brilliant way to make your point. Quickly create clear and compelling infographics to get others on your side.
  • Think Ahead: Watson Analytics automatically does the hard math to show you the most relevant facts, patterns and relationships. See not only what is likely to happen but also what you can do about it.